PreventionWeb is a participatory web platform promoted by the United Nations for the disaster risk reduction community. With an established user base of over 80,000 visitors each month and over 3.5 millions page views/year, its primary purpose is to facilitate an understanding of the subject of disaster risk reduction DRR and the work of professionals in this area. It provides current news, views on the topic, contact directories and tools for exchange and collaboration.

Prevention web is undergoing a major redesign work involving both the visual design and the transition to a self publishing platform.

Activities & Deliverables

  • UX, IA, Interaction design, Project management
  • Content type and template redesign
  • Design pattern harmonisation
  • User flow & editorial flow for the new publishing paradigm
  • Redesign of the backend forms for submission and of the editorial dashboard for content monitoring

Client: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva